Jess Harris III, LLC is a third generation land management company headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that has served the oil and gas industry with continuous lease and right-of-way acquisition, title curative, and due diligence expertise for over 90 years. Our clients range from the small independent Oil and Gas companies to integrated major energy companies. While the majority of our permanent employees reside in Oklahoma, we have conducted and/or coordinated a wide range of land services in every major basin in the United States. We also provide research services to law firms, private estates, and other activities related to the BLM, MMS and Internal Revenue Service.
Jess Harris III, LLC
• Checking records and preparation of Detailed Ownership Reports
• Title Curative • Lease, Mineral and Working Interest Acquisitions • Due Diligence Oklahoma Commission • Corporation Well Records, Production and Proration Research • Statistical and Technical Data • Underground Injection Control Mechanical Integrity Tests Fluid Injection Reports (Annual and Semi-Annual) • Intents to Drill (Re-Enter, etc.) Preparation of Permits Walk-Thru’s • Applications for Pooling, Spacing, Location Exception and Increased Density Preparation of Data Expert Witness Testimony |
Founding Member of OCAPL